Monday, September 30, 2013

This blog is moving to:

Read our final post for this blog here and come follow us on WordPress.

Summer “Vacation”

“What I Did Over My Summer “Vacation”
It’s been a busy summer and an even busier start to Fall.  We’ve been working hard re-organizing and updating our Chicken Wranglers Facebook Page andBlog. We’ve been moving our back yard city farm around to make better use of the space before the Fall garden has to go in and researching and experimenting with many all natural recipes.
While working hard over the summer, we planned some time 2013-09-19 13.14.04[8]off for 4th of July, VBS, two birthdays and getting ready to start school. Then there are those things we didn’t plan to take time off for. The first weekend in September, our AC broke. Here in Florida, that’s no laughing matter. Thank God for overcast days and friends with an AC business! Right after that, something came up and we decided to get some ducklings. They had to stay in the house for another week until they were big enough to go outside. (post coming soon…and a duck house) Then, One of our
2013-09-19 13.12.03[1]hens escaped and was attacked by the dog. We had to bring her in for a couple of days to recuperate. She went in a dog crate next to the ducklings in the kiddy pool…in my dining room. (post coming soon). As if that wasn’t enough, we have been talking about replacing some older girls who aren’t laying anymore, so we got more chicks!
Today, the AC works but has started making a banging/dripping sound (I might need to call him again), school has kind of started, the duck house is built but not painted, the hen is doing fine, ALL the animals are back outside. Back to page and blogs…
Just when I thought it was safe…my daughter wants to change my blog host/provider because she prefers another and has to make a blog for a class assignment. She’s been doing some of my technical work on the blog, so she’s been switching things over all afternoon. This is my first new post from this new2013-09-19 13.09.41[7]blog. What do you think? Do you like her ducky pictures? I think they’re gorgeous. She also took over this post while I was doing something for my younger daughter and I had no idea what was going on. And then sheI wrote the last few lines of this.
What did you do this summer?

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Super Healthy Tea

I love my daily "tea"! Local, raw honey; lemon and fresh grated ginger. I rarely get sick or have any allergy symptoms anymore, even with a backyard full of oak pollen.

Honey, like so many super foods, has too many benefits to list here. It contains enzymes, vitamins and minerals. It's antibacterial, an antioxidant and increases the immune system.
Raw honey has bits of pollen that is full of healthy vitamins, minerals and enzymes that are removed during processing.
Local honey has the allergens local to your area, so it helps prevent allergies from local irritants.

Lemon has too many health benefits to list them all.To name a few, lemon is an anti-carcinogenic, antiviral, anti aging, detoxifying, contains many vitamins, minerals, helps lower blood sugar, dissolves gall stones and helps balance PH.

Ginger is an anti-inflammatory, clears sinuses and breaks up congestion. It helps with nausea, digestion, gas, cramps and circulation.

My Super Healthy "Tea" Recipe
Slice a small lemon and place it into a jar. Fill the jar with raw, local honey. Grate about one inch of fresh ginger into the jar. Put a lid on it and turn upside down a couple times throughout the day relieving pressure as it builds up.
The lemon will break down the honey so the honey will become watery.

I use 1-2 Tbs in a cup of hot water or sometimes green tea. I used to drink it every morning, but then I switched to evenings. Now I drink hot lemon water in the morning. More on that later.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Deodorant Diary

In my attempt to switch to a chemical free life, I started with the personal hygiene items that I "need" to use on a daily basis. These items include soap/body wash, toothpaste, deodorant and then not so daily shampoo and conditioner. While there are many recipes for each of these, I started with what I had on hand or could easily obtain.

I have already been using oils to clean my skin, that was easy. Toothpaste was also an easy transition. Deodorant is the last item on my "need" list. Hair care has proven to be a little more challenging, so that will require more reading before my next attempt.

Day 1-
Dear Diary,
I really want to read more about natural deodorant ingredients, but I also really just want to get started. Maybe I'll just put a little dab of this coconut oil I have under my arms while I read more.

Day 2-
Dear Diary,
I got so busy yesterday I didn't get to finish reading about deodorant. I cut the grass and did a few other sweaty chores, but I don't remember any body odor or much sweat. I'll have to try that again...and read more on natural deodorant.

Day 3-
Dear Diary,
Ugh! Our ac froze yesterday! Thankfully it's been overcast and only 87* Although I think it's 90*+ in the house. Still no b.o.! I have to read more about deodorant today. One of my friends said she uses a coconut oil recipe, gotta look this up!!

Day 4-
Dear Diary,
Put on my coconut oil and started looking up various recipes and benefits of coconut oil. Sweat is good! I already knew that, but the smell isn't. Coconut oil can be used alone because it has antibacterial properties, but isn't known to destroy odors, that's where the various recipes come in. Other ingredients such as baking soda, arrowroot and specific essential oils help to eliminate odor and absorb sweat. 
So now, to find those perfect combinations of oil, powder and essential oils to work just right and smell really good!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Plastic Bottle, Funnel, Planter

2 Liter Bottle?
So, I went to make laundry soap today and I couldn't find a funnel...again. If you have kids, you know funnels and kids go together, especially at bath time. Hats, tee-pees, megaphones, it's probably in their toy box. That's a job for another day.

So, what can I use for a funnel? It has to be small enough to fit in the top of a gallon "milk" jug, but big enough to comfortably pour into from a pot. A 2 liter bottle! If I cut it in half I have the perfect size funnel for the job.

Cutting a 2 liter bottle in half not only gives me the perfect funnel, but also a cute little planter.

Now, to finish my laundry soap.

What have you used for a funnel in a pinch?